Tuesday 23 February 2016

Tips Jimat Dan Murah ke Pulau Perhentian

Bajet Murah ke Pulau Perhentian & Tips Jimat Untuk ke Pulau Perhentian

Ok guys, last week aku baru je balik dari Pulau Perhentian Kecil and it was hella fun! Seriously it was one of the very best moment I had so far in the year of 2016. Selama ni aku just pergi bercuti dekat Port Dickson je dengan member-member but this time I took it to the next level J

Memandangkan aku bercuti dengan my dearest primary school friends, we decided to cut down all the expense yang tak diperlukan and try to jimat as maximum as we can. Kalau bercuti dengan family lain lah, all things being sponsored and ditanggung sepenuhnya. But my trip ni pun actually ada je guna duit parents aku hehe.

Let’s move on to the important part ok. Sejujurnya bajet yang diperuntukkan untuk bercuti ni is RM400 only. But parents aku suruh bawak extra money sebab katanya untuk emergency. So total yang dibawa ke sana is RM520. And for your information, kitorang tak amik apa apa package. Sebab nak jimat kan ;) And one more, I am a cheapskate so I will do whatever it takes to cut down my expenses.

This is the total expenditure or perbelanjaan aku sepanjang berada dekat sana from leaving my house till the very end. (Ini perbelanjaan selama 4 hari 3 malam)

·         Tiket flight Return from KLIA2 - Kota Bharu – KLIA2: RM 62
·         Chalet for 4D3N : RM 160
·         Boat transfer from Kuala Besut Jetty – Pulau Perhentian – Jetty : RM 40
·         Van transfer from Kota Bharu airport – Jetty – Airport : RM 40
·         Snorkelling : RM 30
·         Souvenirs : RM 15
·         Foods and Beverages (Incl. junk foods) : RM 75
·         Total Expenditure : RM 422

To be honest, I was over my budget. And sebenarnya if korang bijak and cermat, korang boleh belanja kurang dari jumlah yang aku spent ni dari segi foods lah and souvenirs lah. And actually RM 422 tu bukan jumlah nett pun sebab aku ada beli keropok lekor hahahaha tapi aku tak include pun dalam list sebab tu aku beli on the way balik nak ke airport. And one more, budget jadi mahal sikit sebab we went there for 4 days. Nak jimat pergi 3 hari je ok?

9 Tips & Cara Untuk Jimat ke Pulau Perhentian Kecil

Jangan ambil apa-apa package
This is one of the most important thing that you need to remember if you want to save your money. Firstly kitorang macam nak ambil package je sebab senang kan kau tak payah nak serabut, everything is arranged and prepared for you. But bila kau fikir balik, the package is really expensive. If duit kau berkepuk dekat bank or kau ada 2.6M in your account tak jadi masalah. So bincang punya bincang, last last kitorang ditch the idea of it. Sebab package untuk 4 hari dah RM 420 lebih kurang. Tu tak campur tiket flight lagi and my friends naik bas dari Klang ke KLIA2, so theres another cost that we need to think. Tapi if nak mudah, ambil je package ok?

Transportation to/from the airport
Ok tips ni mungkin tak ramai yang boleh follow. But I am lucky because I don’t need to take any public transport to the airport since my dad can drop me and fetch me so it is easier. You may ask any of family members to send you. This can save your money for at least RM 20. Family member je valid tips ni sebab if kau suruh member kau hantar, nak payung minyak dia satu hal. Lain la kawan kau baik hati.

  Book tiket penerbangan
Tips ni penting if you want to go for a vacation without breaking your bank. Book tiket bila promo sahaja. I repeat, book your flight while they have promotion only! And it took 5 months to book your flight sebelum tarikh kau depart. Aku naik AirAsia je. Kawan aku dapat book around RM 40, meanwhile mine is RM 60. So my friends are lucky. So book tiket awal and bila ada promo je okay? Jangan book selagi harga tak turun bawah RM 80, sebab to me dalam Malaysia je RM 100 pun dah agak mahal.

Pergi hari biasa or weekdays
Nak bercuti ni kau kena alert with the current season. I mean the public holiday and school holidays yang banyak dekat Malaysia ni. If kau pergi time peak season, comfirm there will be a lot of people here and there. And of course peak season, everything will be extra expensive and costly. Nasib baik aku ada kawan yang bijaksana, dia pilih hari Selasa sampai Jumaat. So time rancang nak pergi, I suggest you to look for low season so you can save money especially for snorkelling and accommodation. This tips is really IMPORTANT so be alert and check the calendar before planning your vacation ahead. Especially for students la yang duit tak berapa nak banyak macam I hehe.

Sila bawa junk food
Tips ni juga agak penting. Because, dekat sana foods paling murah pun harga RM 8 tu pun untuk pancake and cheesy wedges. Kalau korang kenyang setakat makan tu je takpe, teruskan makan. So I suggest you to bring any junk foods including instant noodles macam Maggi Cup, roti, biskut, gula gula and apa apa jelah yg instant. Kau pakat la dengan kawan-kawan kau sorang hulur dalam RM 15 untuk beli junk foods. Lepas kau syok syok berenang comfirm kau lapar punya la. Takpun malam kau sembang-sembang dengan kawan kau comfirm lapar. And bila kau lapar, dekat restaurant comfirm kau akan order macam-macam. So eloklah kau makan benda lain dulu so bila dekat restaurant nanti kau takdelah gelojoh nak order semua makanan. Betul tak? And one more, make sure the junk foods are in individual pack ya. Senang sikit nak bawak pergi mana-mana.

tips jimat ke pulau perhentian
I am not lying when I said I had Maggi Cup for my dinner. And you see that mineral water and extra maggi? Yes kitorang bawak tu semua pergi sana

Jimat di kedai makan
There is only one way that you can save your money. Share satu dish dengan sorang lagi kawan kau. This one is really helpful. As I told you, junk food tu penting, I ate some junk foods before we dine in any restaurant, the result is I felt less hungry and decided to share my dish with one of my friend. Contohnya dish yang berharga RM 12 sepinggan, you just need to pay RM 6. So jimat kan?
Besides that, I usually read through all the choices that are available in the menu. And of course, I ordered the cheapest menu that I think it is worth it contohnya nasi goreng. My goal is only the get my stomach at ease and kenyang je. So yes nasi goreng je dah cukup sebenarnya.

 Buat plan makan
Memandangkan kitorang nak jimat, our second day memang tak makan luar, kitorang dinner makan Maggi Cup je and biskut. Dari pagi sampai malam just makan makanan yang kita bawak je. Meanwhile malam last, baru makan besar. So bawa junk food siap-siap ok. And make sure the place that you’re staying in, includes your daily breakfast too. So you don’t have to spend your money for foods banyak-banyak. If tak include pun, just makan je makanan yang korang bawak tu.

Since our breakfast is 'free', ambil je sampai penuh pinggan hahahahaha

For our snorkelling activity, we only pay RM 30. This one is the cheapest that we can get? Why? Because we went during the low season, and maybe sebab kitorang stay dekat tempat yang sama dengan snorkelling tu so dapat murah. But I am not sure, if stay tempat sama and ambil snorkelling dekat tempat sama akan dapat murah. But yang pasti, pergilah time low season. Sepanjang pantai tu kedai yang offer snorkelling semua charge RM 30 per person. Aku baca blog blog lain semua kata dapat RM 40 ke atas.

Tak payah beli souvenirs
Pada aku, souvenirs ni macam tak perlu je. Sebab, keychain yang korang konon-konon beli tu bila bawa balik rumah kau letak dekat dalam laci je so baik tak payah beli. Tapi ni bergantung pada korang lah ok. Sebab souvenirs ni kadang-kadang boleh mencecah puluh ringgit. Nak beli pun, beli satu je sudah lah. Lain lah korang travel pergi Japan ke Maldives ke Australia ke, ni just dalam Malaysia so tak payah la beria sangat hahahaha

Ok all the tips I stated above is through my first experience going to Perhentian Kecil Island. Maybe some of tips may not apply or suitable for you. But dude, you got to be flexible and creative in this matter. My goal is to minimize my budget and as I told you earlier, I am a cheapskate. So ini lah hasilnya. Plan ahead your vacation, don’t worry if you think RM 400 is a little expensive but macam yang aku cakap be creative lah. Benda boleh settle bro.

Last but not least hopefully these tips can help you a lot or even a little. To those who have been there and pernah belanja lagi murah dari saya, you may share with me. And to those who are going there any time soon, I hope you will find this entry and use it as your reference.

Thanks for reading ok J

Backpacking to Pulau Perhentian Kecil

Last week I spent my days at Pulau Perhentian Kecil which is located at Terengganu. This is actually my first time stepping my feet to this beautiful island. Saya pergi sana with my friends who I have known since primary school. And it took us around 5 months to plan including booking our flight seat.
This trip is the best and one of the happiest moment I had. I had sooooo much fun with them and I rasa macam tak nak balik rumah je hahahaha

I will summarize je what we did while staying there because I macam malas nak post banyak kali. Saya akan cerita pasal benda-benda yang I think it is important je to keep this post short :)


Flight pukul 11.30 pagi, and I bertolak dari rumah at 7.30am and my dad drove me to KLIA2. Meanwhile my friends semua dari Klang, kitorang jumpa dekat airport terus. Around 12.35 we reached Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Kota Bharu and our driver dah tunggu dekat sana. Oleh disebabkan we are 5, kitorang rent a van la. Naik kereta tak muat lah. And at 2.10 we stopped at a restaurant to have our lunch. Time tu lapar gila ok, cuma tak selera sangat because takut later kena naik boat :(

At 2.50pm, kitorang bertolak dari Jeti Besut. The journey was really scary I tell you! You imagine sepanjang perjalanan, the ocean was really wild and sometimes I feel like we are going to terbalik and tenggelam k. And our boat was that little boat and at first macam tak confident je dengan boat tu, boleh ke sampai pulau sana?

At 3.40pm we reached our destination safely. Weh jakun gila weh air dia lawa sangat macam nak terjun je dari jeti tu masuk air dengan bag-bag sekali hahahaha lepastu kitorang checked in dekat Senja Chalet yang located sebaris dengan Shari La, and it is beautiful and nampak macam chalet yang proper to stay in.

Kitorang stayed in a non airconditioner room because nak murah. And we have to naik atas stairs yang banyak to reach our bilik. So tiring. But our room paling tinggi and redup je sebab ada pokok yang cover the bumbung, and siang pun tak panas even dekat luar panas terik. And paling best is mengadap laut and the view tak being kacau with bumbung bilik depan. Ha thats cool!

At 5.30pm hehehe of course la pergi terjun laut! Gila kau tak nak mandi? Aku datang jauh jauh doh hahahaha maghrib baru kitorang naik bilik
At 9.30pm kitorang turun and had our dinner at the restaurant downstairs. Aku share dengan Ina je, and we ordered chocolate pancake. Tapi tu pun dah cukup besar and mengenyangkan.


Second day, hari yang seronok gila because kitorang pergi snorkelling!Yeayyyy! Ni first time I went for snorkelling. Kitorang decided nak snorkelling yang dioffer in our chalet. And we paid for RM 30 for that. Ada pukul 10.30 and 3.30 kalau tak silap aku. And kitorang ambil snorkelling pukul 10.30 pagi. But kitorang bangun lambat masa second day, almost 9.50am. So kelam kabut nak siap and tak mandi pun hahaha eeeee busuk do korang! Around 10.15am turun breakfast, dalam 10.40am owner chalet tu dah panggil kitorang untuk pergi snorkelling.

Kitorang pergi 5 points around the island. First point pergi Shark Point, sumpah I was so scared yang aku akan lemas. Even dah pakai life jacket plus the goggle, tapi takut gile. And the current was really strong! Untuk orang yang taktahu berenang like me and first timer for snorkelling you will be panic jugak la. So aku turun dekat point to dalam 5 minutes je lepas tu naik boat balik.

Second point pergi Fish Point. Okay Fish Point tu salah satu point yang paling best! Serious best gial. This time aku dah tak takut lagi dah dengan air because air dekat sini tak kuat macam yang sebelum ni so memang aku nikmati permandangan dalam laut kaw kaw punya. Ikan and coral seriously banyak. Coral pun besar and cantik. Macam dalam cerita Spongebob hahahah nak suruh ikan datang dekat just bagi je dorang roti, comfirm datang punya. Ni tempat yang aku rasa paling best berbanding yang lain tu.

Third point pergi Turtle point and at first rasa macam pisang je, tak nampak pun apa-apa and then the boat guidance tu cakap ada turtle and dia bergerak agak laju jugak la nasib baik dapat tangkap gambar dia hehehe comelnya turtle. besar gila tau sekali tengok macam batu hahahaha aku just duduk je atas boat, malas nak pakai goggle yang ketat tu lewls

And then kitorang pergi lunch dekat Fishermen Village, kedai yang kitorang pergi makan tu loacted sebelah sekolah so kau imagine eh, sampai tunggu order sampai kau dengar budak kecil jerit "Terima kasih, cikgu!" banyak kali pulak tu hahaha iyelah sama sama, dah gi balik rumah hahaha Sejam jugak kitorang duduk dekat kedai ni from 1pm to 2pm. Village ni agak daif pada pandangan aku, semua rumah kayu and betul betul macam kampung, yela nama pun village hahaha

Nampak tak muka aku yang paling belakang tu? Tu muka dah malas nak cantik-cantik

And then we continue to our next point, Lighthouse Point yang located in front of our chalet tapi kedalaman dekat point ni is soooo dalam, takde coral pun aku tengok, ni aku turun sekejap je sebab current kuat sangat so aku cuak. Bila tengok dalam laut tu tiba-tiba terbayang cerita Titanic. Tak boleh nak imagine budak-budak kecil yang tak reti berenang tu hmmm emo jap. Tapi yang penting aku tak panjat pun lighthouse tu sebab malas la. Takut air kuat sangat. Boat aku parking dekat sebelah lighthouse tu sekejap je dah jauh. Tak sampai 5 minit pun. Lagipun dekat sini takde apa-apa sangat pun. Biasa je

And for our last point, we went to Romantic Beach yang terletak just belakang Shari La tu. Boleh je nak jalan kaki ke sana. Tapi tak rajin pulak lagipun dah include dalam package so layannnn. Abang boat cakap dulu Romantic Beach ni tak include dalam package pun. Spot ni popular untuk foreigner. Dorang datang sini for sunbathing. And they do it topless termasuk la yang perempuan pun. Beach ni memang cantik, pasir is very the putih hahaha and lembut je pasir dia macam nak bawak balik rumah k. Tapi for me, air dekat sini tak clear sangat pun berbanding tempat lain, and coral pun macam diselaputi pasir-pasir. Ikan tak banyak sangat tapi okay jela.

Agak sedih sebab gambar aku dekat sini takde yang cantik! Eeeeeee geram kite. And boat belakang tu sebenarnya strangers tapi acah-acah macam member. And ada dua orang abang handsome dekat situ hehe
The view of Romantic Beach from our boat. Dekat sini banyak sangat orang mostly people yang sebaya dengan aku lah. 
And lastly around 3pm, we were sent to our chalet by the boat guy. Naik atas lepak-lepak and then semua tidur. Kesian penat eh plan nak mandi laut depan chalet pun terpadam begitu sahaja kerana lena dibuai mimpi lewls. Meanwhile, aku and Ina pukul 6pm bangun tidur, rasa macam lapar je kitorang decided nak buat maggi and enjoy the sunset dekat bawah. Romantic sangat! Tengok sunset sambil makan maggi hahahaha


Ha our third day pun boleh tahan best because kitorang pergi hiking! Ni nak nasihat sikit for you guys yang ingat korang terror nak hiking tapi sebenarnya korang tak terror pun, it is best for you to exercise first a week before korang pergi bercuti. Sebab nanti badan korang akan rasa letih tapi untuk sesiapa yang rajin jela.

Ok woke up at 9am, mandi and prepare ourself, turun breakfast free dekat bawah, makan kenyang-kenyang and there you go!And please bring along your drinking water in a small bottle at least 2. Sebab panas and meletihkan. Perjalanan tak lama sangat tapi korang comfirm haus punya. Sebab ada bukit, semak samun nak kena redah and ada tangga yang banyak.

You may wondering why tak naik boat je, a lot more easier, I know but the current was really strong and wild, the boat guy said boats are not allowed to be at the Windmill Jetty area, and of course, the boat can't handle the situation. That is why we hike by our energy, penat nak nangis tsk tsk

Ni dekat Long Beach. If korang perasan,ada pokok whatsoever yang terdampar di pantai, sampah sarap bergelimpangan, tu adalah monsoon punya angkara

Dekat Long Beach, masa ni banyak rumah yang roboh, bar yang rosak runtuh bagai disebabkan monsoon sebelum ni. So night life kitorang tak berapa fun. Pantai pun kotor and banyak serpihan rumah bersepah. And they are in the middle of cleaning. Bulan March nanti akan dibuka semula.

Firstly kitorang agak confuse nak lalu mana, siap masuk dalam Bayu Chalet lagi, tanya sana tanya sini tapi still clueless, and then Intan call owner chalet to ask for directions. And lastly we found the clue untuk masuk ke dalam. Benda jadi susah sebab takde clue yang jelas. Ada papan tanda tapi dekat belakang rumah tinggal. wtf, mula-mula cari dulu public phone and rumah tinggal kayu warna putih, sebelah rumah kayu tu ada laluan kecil yang tak jelas sangat, belakang je rumah kayu tu ada papan tanda Windmill. Tu pun bukan proper signboard! Arghhh dorang tulis atas plywood guna cat sembur kereta tu je.Aku ingat aku rabun sebab tak nampak signboard rupa-rupanya dorang buat macam tu je, memang la tak nampak. Duhhh

If you can find these, you are in the right track

Dalam 11.30am baru kitorang gerak daripada ground slowly naik atas. Mula-mula akan lalu rocky road yang sempit. Separuh jalan tu ada yang kitorang confuse sikit. Owner chalet tu cakap, ikut tiang elektrik ok. Sebab tiang electrik tu yang connect kincir angin tu sampai ke bawah. Dalam perjalanan tu pun akan ada laluan berpasir so senang sikit.

If jumpa laluan macam ni, korang betul la tu
At 12.00pm, we have arrived our destination! Tapi tu sampai kincir angin jelah. Bukan sampai bahagian jeti tu, so untuk sampai ke jeti tu, you need to walk guna lalu sebelah pagar tempat kincir angin tu. Laluan tu sempit je, at the end, kau akan jumpa jugak macam pondok yang akan bawa korang ke jeti tu guna tangga. Ha bahagian ni ada tangga.

Dari tangga tu, kitorang rehat sekejap sebab penat gila hiking tengah hari, lewls. Photoshoot sikit and then turun ke pondok yang bawah sikit.

Hijabista sangat! kahkahkah

Tempat ni cantik sangat! There's no other word selain daripada cantik, indah dan permai. Masa ni takde sesiapa pun unless 5 of us so we can take pictures anywhere, from any angle without rasa sesak. Lama jugak kitorang lepak dekat sini since tempat ni clear kan, dengar bunyi ombak. Shah Alam takde ombak weh sedih je. Dekat situ ada bench so jangan risau if penat ok. Baring je dekat situ hahaha

At 2pm, kitorang turun balik lalu lah belukar bagai tu, turun pun penat jugak sebab dah panas terik. Terkopak sikit la kasut Jelly Bunny yang I pinjam daripada adik I tu hahaha sorry! Laluan balik pun guna yang sama dengan yang naik. Ala senang je, takyah risau sekejap je boleh sampai. And macam biasa la kan, if dah letih buat sesuatu, of course la kita kena makan kan hahahaha balik tu singgah Ewan Corner. Aku sebenarnya nak pergi situ sebab ada sign Wifi, masuk je tanya orang tu, no wifi hmmm sedih

This is our lunch! Ewan Corner ni macam murah sikit je daripada Cafe Senja tu. sikit jelah pun. Food dia sedap!

Balik! Malam tadi everyone tidur awal sebab need to gerak at 8am. Pagi tu, pack things turun pergi makan and then check out. Till we meet again, Perhentian :(

Kitorang sengaja stay untuk 4 hari, so kita tak penat and aktiviti pun tak pack. Imagine kau nak snorkelling pagi tu and then windmill petang. Penat kan? Tapi kena bayar fee chalet mahal sikit lah sebab nak duduk lama sikit. Tapi up to you ok?

Have you been to Perhentian? Apa aktiviti yang korang buat dekat sana?