Thursday 25 August 2016

Travel Time @ Seoul, Korea!

Recently, my family and I went to Korea! Like finally! (A total dreams came true). It was our first time being in Korea and of course we were so bloody excited! Annyeong haseyo ajumma ajussi lol. Initially I was planning on going there with my cousin but in a one fine day, my mum said "Guess what? Mama dah beli tiket pergi Korea." WHATTTTTT. But it took 5 months before we fly off since she booked the tickets in December and our departure is in May.

First day we went to Itaewon first to grab our breakfast and lunch. We had Kebab with rice at Salaam Restaurant located right next to the entrance of the mosque. The kebabs tasted pretty good but since it is our first time there we need to adjust our tekak Melayu for the foreign foods. Ouh and we had a driver (Chartered van) that we booked to bring to the places that we want to go but he is not a tourist guide just a driver.

After that we went to Gyeongbokgung Palace, it is REALLY BIG, I swear. But it was quite sunny, I got tanned a little but it was breezy too. There were a lot of people, locals and visitors. The entrance fee to the palace is just 3,000 won per person. Besides the palace is the museum, the entrance fee for the museum is free! I really adore the architecture of the building. I like everything about the building. There are a lot of details and it all amazed me so much.

We visited so many places and I can't tell you everything in details even this is the actual place to do it but it will be too long so let the pictures speak for themself. Enjoy my photos!

Korea Trip



Korean Drink

